Nubian Barnyard Friends IntroThe Anglo-Nubian Goat breed originated in England as a cross between the Old English Milch Goat and the Zariby and Nubian bucks imported from India, Russia, and Egypt. The Nubian head is the distinctive breed characteristic, with the facial profile between the eyes and the muzzle being strongly convex (Roman nose). The ears are wide, pendulous and long, extending at least one inch (2.54 cm) beyond the…
Read MoreKunekune Barnyard Friends Intro
Kunekune Barnyard Friends IntroThe Kunekune (Scientific name: Sus scrofa domesticus) is a small breed of domestic pig originating in New Zealand. Kunekune are hairy with a rotund build, and may bear wattles hanging from their lower jaws. Their colour ranges from black and white, to ginger, cream, gold-tip, black, brown and tricoloured.
Read MoreBarnyard Friends
Barnyard Friends came about in the desire to share experiences and relationships we have with animals over the years. You may search on Barnyard Friends from the search block, select Barnyard Friends as a category or a tag. We hope you will enjoy the posts in Barnyard Friends as much as we do! Contact: As always you are welcome to contact us at Please refer to Barnyard Friends in…
Read MoreParrot Uses Alexa
Parrot Uses Alexa to Order Watermelon, Lightbulbs While Owner Is Out. A parrot has been caught ordering strawberries, a watermelon and even a water boiler through his foster owner’s electronic personal assistant. Rocco, an African Grey, requested the items through an Alexa device while his minder was out of the home. Luckily, due to a parental lock, none of his attempted purchases went through. Rocco, who lives with Marion Wischnewski…
Read MoreValley Days
Valley Days Saturday You will find us in the Park east of the open ball field where the fireworks will launch Saturday night, south of the tennis court, under the old maple tree. Look for our trademark family Picnic meal spread and the feather flags. ‘We will bring out the Design, Build and Launch model compressed air rockets made from common school supplies, but COOL and FUN! Check out the…
Read MoreAmish Uber
Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Amish Uber An Amish Dad in Michigan has decided to join the rideshare economy, with his horse and buggy. According to WWMT, Tim Hochstedler has started offering taxi rides around his hometown of Colon in his horse-drawn carriage, which he has dubbed the “Amish Uber.” Horse and Buggy Rides are only $5, so this is way cheaper than most Uber rides, but there is a…
Read MoreNESciFest Earth Day Celebration
NESciFest Earth Day Celebration Who: ALL Are Welcome! Invitation What: Free Academy Science Presentation AcademyScience will present FREE indoor STEM related activities: Autonomous Robots Demonstration Computer Programming Demonstration Game Pad controlled Robots Four Force of Flight Simple Model Airplane Building Simple Model Rocket Building Model Rocket Launch, weather and staff permitting. Lunch and Snacks available while supplies last, Free Will Offering. When: Saturday afternoon April 22 between hours 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Where:…
Read MoreCEENBoT Showcase
CEENBoT Showcase CEENBoT Showcase – FLL State Tournament AcademyScience enjoys observing, supporting and participating in Robotics STEM Science Technology Engineering Mathematics! Our team can not wait to demonstrate to the community what we learn in preparing for competition! We look forward to meeting, greeting and exchanging ideas with you! If you are unable to visit us, let our leaders know and we may be able to visit you.
Read MoreStress Relieving Dog
Sharing Your Life With a Dog Can Reduce Stress Pets Help to Reduce Anxiety and Aid with Recovery Humans have incredibly tough schedules, with long work hours, not enough sleep, and the growing responsibilities of every day life. There are estimates that one in every four among us has some form of mental disorder – primarily stress, and depression. Not many take it as a sign of mental disorder,…
Read MoreTherapy Dogs Motivation
Can Therapy Dogs Assist in Motivating Children on the Autism Spectrum? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the most widely and deeply researched topics in child development as researchers constantly look for answers into not only its cause but the best way to treat the problematic symptoms of the disorder once diagnosed. Effects of the various types of ASD include deficits in social communication and interaction, repetitive or restricted…
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