Every once in a while it appears like gremlins are loose fiddling with the robot. I know this sounds goofy, but what can we say when we spend hours with time honored tradition strategizing, writing pseudocode in plain English, converting to program structure computer language line by line paying careful attention to the switches, painstakingly transferring this information to the coding blocks in the computer program, compiling into binary and finally running it on the robot. Well, we need to modify the code and make adjustments. Now we have good results, so we make certain our documentation is updated.

But after we saved our best version of the program, printed the documentation, carefully packed the robot back in its custom carry case, we have an unintended consequence that sometimes appears close to the big day: the robot does not run like it did when we last put it away. We back up, look through our code, everything looks OK; it must be the gremlins! Ugh!