AcademyScience supports STEM (STEAM) education.
Brief Simplified History.
Increasing Numbers.
Post World War II recovery brought much of the North American Continent a “Baby Boom.” Prior to this era, the focus of education often revolved around discussion and delivery of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. We considered ourselves successful if our next generation of youth managed these three subjects in a “satisfactory” manner.
The Challenge.
After rising up and evolving to meet the challenge of increasing population numbers of youth in the formal state administered education influx, we gradually applied the additional term “science of education” to the prior commanding practice in the “art of education.”
But How and Why?
Physically growing educational infrastructure brought on increasingly standardized goals in educational delivery. Demands upon teachers’ time and qualifications increased. Flexibility of and accommodations in the delivery of the educational process forked into the development of increasing attention to delivery of teaching and reception in learning from the providers and consumers.
Progress in development of financial markets, focus on multi-national corporate growth and profit, and the increasing social cultural desire to see our youth gain an advantage in future success fueled education interests, growth and sophistication.
Fast forward …
Today it is increasingly important in the desires of many parents to support their children’s increasingly complex educational success in a local, national and global social financial market.

Teaching STEM
Teaching STEM

So Why the STEM?
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics STEM is a grouping of educational materials that assist and focus youth and adults in learning and preparing for interaction in an increasingly challenging global social economic market.
Here is one place in the maze where we fit in. Academy Science has adults that enjoy science and are STEM knowledgeable. We take the time to engage youth in STEM activities that are FUN. We take time to explore the creative side and apply Art to interested youth. We learn that Art is evolving and transforming STEM into STEAM.

Art releases more potential in people than any other educational discipline. Tom O.

So what do you do? If you are interested in engaging STEAM then contact Michael or Cathy Hanus at
We look forward to visiting with and engaging you!

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