Headlines are full of disastrous disturbing news. Despite this recurring fact, most people are not prepared for a disaster. This gets us even more disturbing news when they are victims of a Nature’s Fury disaster!
There are “learning obstacles” that prevent people from being as “disaster ready” as they should be. These learning obstacles can be summarized in the acronym: FAMILIES.
Fear: “it’s too scary!”
Attention span: “I’m too busy!”
Media: “There’s always a weatherman to warn us!”
Information levels: “A 72 hour kit is all I need!”
Lifestyle: “I don’t want to change the way I live!”
Income: “I can’t afford to buy what I need!”
Ego: “I am so important, others will look out for me!”
Selflessness: “I am not worried about me, I want to help others!”
Why do we need to prepare by consulting internet sites like Ready.gov?
So that we can learn more about saving lives, our own and others in a disaster!
The most important goal is to make our world safer!
One last acronym: TEACH.
Treat each family member as unique!
Emphasize the benefit, not the threat!
Allow for different learning styles!
Confidence building is Goal One!
Help others to help themselves!
Thanks to Paul Purcell, a Preparedness Consultant, for this information.
– Austin G.

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